Wednesday, November 17, 2004

Lecture by Alexis Rockman: at the Getty Thursday

Lecture by Alexis Rockman

The Making of Manifest Destiny
Artist Alexis Rockman speaks about his latest work in conjunction with the exhibition Past Presence. Compelled by advances in genetic engineering and the biotech industry, Rockman is best known for paintings that address the precarious relationship between humans and the natural world. His new mural Manifest Destiny (2003–2004) depicts the Brooklyn waterfront 3,000 years in the future, after global climate change has raised the sea level by 82 feet. The artist collaborated with NASA scientists, archaeologists, ecologists, and architects to develop this ominous image of a future populated by plants and animals that thrive in human-disrupted environments.

Thursday, November 18,
4:00–6:00 p.m.
Museum Lecture Hall

All events are free and are held in the Harold M. Williams Auditorium unless otherwise noted. Seating reservations are required. For reservations and information, please call (310) 440-7300 or use the Make Reservation button below. Tickets are available at the Museum Information Desk or by phone.