Pearly Whites
Tips for a bright New Year's
Smile from Dr. Sherri Worth
Before your New Year’s kiss, that smile should be extra sparkly—let’s dare to say it should be even more dazzling than the New Year’s Eve ball. When you are two weeks away from your big night, celebrity dentist Dr. Sherri Worth says, “Crest White Strips are perfect. They are not like using professional bleach trays, but they can make a difference.”
Before ringing in 2010, Dr. Worth says, “Put in your bleaching trays with the new Day White 38% bleaching solution for 1 hour in the morning and 1 hour in the evening.” This will get your pearly whites one step closer to a movie-star smile.
For maximum results, drop by the dentists office for a Zoom in-office power bleach. Get dramatically whiter in an hour while watching your favorite movie or returning emails. It has become as much of a routine as coloring your hair.
FUN FACT: “Whitening pens don’t really work,” states Dr. Worth, “Save your cash!”
Dr. Worth says, “The combo treatment of Zoom Bleach in-office whitening treatment followed by a fluoride treatment, and then continue with at home bleaching trays regularly for one week after will get your teeth super white!”
Dr. Worth has been interviewed and featured in publications including Vogue, Elle, InStyle, Marie Claire, Star, People, US Weekly, Women's Health, Fitness, Men's Health, Variety, In Touch, Orange Coast, Coast, Riviera, Angeleno, Woman's Day, Woman's Day, 944, Details, and Sports Illustrated.