Beatles For Dad's Day
Father's Day Gift Suggestion: The Beatles Box of Vision®, the officially authorized companion to every Beatles fan's collection.
This table-top collection which includes (1) the first LP size book of the complete Beatles' album artwork; (2) the beautiful and unique side-by-side US/UK Beatles discography; and (3) the patented Box of Vision storage book for storing all 32 discs of the Beatles CD catalog. It's a perfect fit whether they already own the complete CD collection, or are just starting to build theirs.
Los Angeles Times writer Randy Lewis called it "a must for Beatles fans who want the full experience of exploring this amazing music all over again" while Associated Press hailed it as "dazzling."
And as journalist Fred Mills shared with Blurt-online readers: "as luscious a piece of Beatles swag Box of Vision is...it took my young son to drive home one of the central reasons it exists in the first place. With a simple, 'Can we listen to some Beatles and look at that book tonight?', he helped me recover, if just for a moment, the same sense of wonderment and awe I must have felt back in the days when I was buying Beatles records at the local five-and-dime and playing them to death on my battered old Magnavox drop-down record changer." The Beatles Box of Vision brings families together.
The Beatles Box of Vision is available - in stock and ready to ship - at http://www.boxofvision.com.