Cork Finds
BeansTalk isn't crazy about the trend towards cork-bottomed shoes, but they seem to be super popular. In fact, we have a friend who's gone a tad shoe crazy lately and she has a particular penchant for this look, albeit in the highest of heels. Who are we to deny fans what's hot? So here's a look at some of the cutest versions we've found. (You may notice we don't have many slingbacks or ankle-straps -- they're a particular "no" for us, still, we found some darling samples. Prices quoted from zappos.com, but you can always do a Google search on the style you like to find other retailers.)
(Or as we're thinking right now -- Cork and Ease)
Here's the popular brand (since 1953) that harkens back to your youth, but brings you some super summer of 2010 stylin' --
'Bette Buff On Cork' sandal from Kork-Ease.
Leather uppers.
Adjustable buckle for a perfect fit.
Leather footbed.
Cork wedge.
Textured rubber sole.
Made in Brazil.
4" heel.
11.00 oz.
Reg. $149, on sale $96.36