Ask About Don't Ask!
by Beth Zerilli
Contributing Editor
East Coast Correspondent
Don’t Ask! Says the new line for Micalla
Montreal based – Micalla introduced their newest line in jewelry at DBA’s Toronto International Film Festival (TIFF) Gifting lounge and BeansTalk was there to preview the line.
Don’t Ask! is versatile, affordable, and edgy line of jewelry. Many of the Don’t Ask! pieces transform from bracelet to hanging necklace to choker and dressed up or down depending upon the occasion and the wearer's mood.
In an interview with Camilla Jørgensen, Micalla’s founder/designer, she describes what she referred to as the company’s “humble beginnings.”
Camilla: In 2007, when a close friend in Montreal was diagnosed with cancer, I foresaw the uncomfortable and trying times that lay ahead and chose to engage my friend in making jewelry to distract her while she was a patient of the cancer ward. After my friend blessedly recovered, I found myself returning to my entrepreneurial ways by designing seasonal lines of handcrafted jewelry using carefully selected semi-precious stones, gems, pearls and sterling silver.
BeansTalk: What are some of the most challenging pieces of jewelry that you design?
Camilla: The most challenging pieces are always our Micalla gemstone pieces. Each stone is so beautiful, created perfectly by nature. I can't help but spend hours and days trying to make sure that the natural beauty is highlighted. Nature truly is a wonder!
BeansTalk: If you could design a dream piece of jewelry, what would it be and who would wear it?
Camilla: It would be for Audrey Hepburn...she was, and still is, such an inspiration of beauty and grace. I think she encompass all the attributes that we strive to achieve each day...honest beauty, compassion, and the love of life. A delicate piece of raw diamonds and pearls.
MICALLA has been showcased at Semaine de la Mode in Montreal, LG Fashion Week, and been a must-have for celebrities at the Toronto International Film Festival, Gemini Awards and the Golden Globes.
Micalla designer jewelry is available online at http://www.micalla.com/
Image: Mialla's Orchid Cuff