Great Balls of Fired Glass!
by Beth Zerilli
BeansTalk Contributing Editor
Canadian jewelry designer, Susan Hood, was sharing some of her original glass designs with A-listers at this year’s DBA’s Golden Globe Gifting Suite. The trademark of her line, original large glass beaded necklaces, were enjoyed and worn by Jennifer Love-Hewitt, Sofi Milos, Lindsay Pulsipher (True Blood), Sarah Drew (Grey’s Anatomy) and Jacki Weaver (Animal Kingdom), and cufflinks were gifted to Dennis Quaid, Arnie Hammer (Social Network) and Mark Heyman (writer: Black Swan).
Born and raised in British Columbia, Susan Hood has studied pottery, painting, sculpting, and drawing for years. In 1987, she became interested in stained glass and since then has founded Glass Harp Gallery, which features amazing and unique glass jewelry pieces.
Hood’s Highlights: Susan was chosen to be 1 of 4 Canadian designers to develop a design collection for Michelle Obama and the wives of the G8 Summit leaders, Winner of the 2001 Gemini Taurus Ring Saw, Published works in Glass Patterns Quarterly, Stained Glass News, Open to the World, and Creative Designing Innovative Glass Art.
Her design collections and other Susan Hood creations visit: