Heavenly 7s
Two of the women at our day job are not only super slender, but have long legs so any jeans are flattering on them. Still they both have 7 for all mankind jeans and those are probably the most flattering. They both have been at the job longer than I have (one for only ever-so-slightly longer) and are both always cold. Long jeans, it seems, are a part of the keep-warm, stay stylish uniform.
Don’t even get us started on us and these jeans. We like to convince ourselves that we won’t ever buy pricey pants because we are (really, truly) going to lose weight. Hence our choices of under $20 petite jeans – super uncool. But we wear long shirts that cover the portion that would reveal our nerdy denim.
Still, you can be either a boy or girl starlet and still love your 7 For all mankind jeans. Here, Entourage star Adrian Grenier and Friday Night Lights star Minka Kelly both rock their 7Fam jeans while out and about. www.7forallmankind.com