The World's Most Expensive Flat Iron
We didn’t visit any of the recent Oscar Suites, but the swag was swinging, including a $1 Million Dollar Diamond CHI Iron.
We’re always interested in flat irons, especially since we stopped professionally straightening our hair. We have three gHd irons, one Gail Hudson flat iron, one Barbar.
Update (28 Feb 08): Today we found a 3/8" travel folding Curlmaster iron at TJ Maxx. It was only $9.99, so our hopes aren't high. We may just leave this overseasWe'll revisit this later.
So much for travel irons. We do have a Chi/Farouk curling iron, if that mood strikes us and we have to admit in our lifetime we've had many a curling iron and our Chi/Farouk is probably the best one we've had (o.k., it's also the most expensive one we' ve bought)…
At any rate, Farouk Systems participated in several Oscar fund raising events including the Ebony Pre-Oscar celebration and donated products to organizations such as the Humane Society, Writers Guild of America, Global Green, and Leeza's Place (Leeza Gibbon's organization).
The event was an opportunity to display Farouk System’s $1 Million Dollar Diamond CHI Iron. Farouk Shami hired former NASA Chief Scientist, Dr. Dennis Morrison, to be the Senior VP of Technology. This company created Ammonia-Free products, introducing the use of natural “Silk” in hair care called BioSilk Silk Therapy® and its Thermal Tool Technology made them the first company ever to incorporate Ceramic, Ionic and Far Infrared into hair tools called CHI®.
(images: the legendary Ruby Dee and Atonement’s Saoirse Ronan)