Tuesday, November 30, 2004

Rock-er Wear

Grail Clothing has cool rocker-style tanks, short and long sleeved shirts, hoodies, jeans and even dresses (love the dresses). www.Grailclothing.com . They are currently releasing a new embroidered denim line (jeans and skirts) as well as handbags, wallet chain and wallets. All of these items are made for both men and women.

Grail Celebrity Client List:

Ashlee Simpson
Ashton Kutcher
Drew Barrymore
Drop Kick Murphy
Farrah Fawcett
Fred Durst
Gavin Rosdale
Gwen Stephani
Jessica Simpson
Kelly Hu
Lyndsay Lohan
Marc Anthony
Mary Kate Olsen
Steven Tyler
Ty Pennington
Samuel L. Jackson
Nick Cage
Jake Gyllenlhaal

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