Friday, May 18, 2007

Coming Soon to BBC America

BBC AMERICA serves up a daily dose of must-see drama with a regular week night visit to the fictional suburb of Hollyoaks. Hollyoaks airs Monday-Friday at 10:30 p.m. premiering Monday, June 4 at 10:30 p.m. ET/PT.

Before the first episode, members of the cast introduce characters and storylines in a special introductory show that takes viewers on a guided tour of Hollyoaks. Hollyoaks: The Story So Far premieres on Sunday, June 3 at 6:30 p.m. ET/PT and encores Monday, June 4 at 10:00 p.m. ET/PT.

Fast paced and issue-based, this gripping drama focuses on the lives and loves of a group of students who attend Hollyoaks Community College (HCC). The show blends light-hearted storylines that capture the spirit and excitement of being young while embracing serious issues – from teenage pregnancy to dating disasters - that are a part of teen life.

Hollyoaks has been a hit drama for a decade in the UK. BBC AMERICA picks up the story in the build-up to a pivotal plot point in which escaped convict Sam Owen, who was convicted of date rape, wreaks his revenge on Hollyoaks by inflicting death and destruction at the local pub, The Dog.

In the first episode we meet new students Will, Kris and Zoë who have just arrived at HCC as well as Jess, Olivia and Joe who are already living in the dorms. Kris, Joe, Zoë and Olivia will all be at The Dog when Sam holds them hostage.

Meanwhile, Sam’s brother Russ is trying to get on with his life following Sam’s conviction. He’s returning to HCC to study for a Masters and he’s got a new girlfriend, Sophie, although it seems like he still holds a candle for his ex, Mercedes.

Becca, a married teacher at Hollyoaks, is pregnant. She’s been having an affair with one of her former students, Justin. He’s spending time with his sisters, Mel and Sophie, talking about how he feels when the baby arrives… if it is his baby.

These stories continue to develop in the lead up to the devastating fire at The Dog, an event that will leave a scar on the face of Hollyoaks for years to come. In the ensuing episodes, the community will rally round to help the survivors and life goes on bringing with it a whole new set of problems and dramas for its inhabitants.

Amy has to deal with an unexpected pregnancy, Hannah’s pursuit of John-Paul leaves her constantly disappointed and she turns to food for comfort, school teacher Becca faces a jail sentence for her affair with ex-pupil Justin, and Clare and Max tie the knot - though it seems Clare might have an ulterior motive?

Looking further ahead, there’s more exciting drama in the pipeline. With powerful performances, great writing, award-winning storylines and beautiful people, Hollyoaks has something for everyone.