Monday, November 07, 2011

BeansTalk Talks to 
Interior Designer Scott Thomas

by Amanda Bellafiore
BeansTalk Contributor

…Let’s take a minute and play pretend…you’ve just moved into the house of your dreams. It’s a starter house – small, cozy and perfect for you. As the movers leave and your boxed life is scattered about, you look around at the space you now call home. In this instance you become swallowed by the walls, the blank white walls – white, vast and bare. How will you begin to fill your house, transforming it into your home?

“Starting with four blank walls is great because there is nothing but endless possibility. What style do you like? What do you really need out of these rooms?” No, that’s not God talking to you, that’s Scott Thomas, of Thomas-Somero Design. He is your interior designer.

Founded in 2004 after ditching the corporate world for a truer passion, Thomas-Somero Design uses a personal approach focusing on three core principles: addressing the client’s lifestyle and functional needs; enhancing existing architecture; and adding a unique spin on furnishing, accessories, fabrics and colors.

With Thomas diving into the design and his partner, Brian Somero, overseeing the construction, their firm has built up an impressive list of celebrity clientele and hot-spots, including the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel. Following their Los Angeles success, the duo opened a second location in Palm Springs in 2008.

Best known for his sense of space and simplicity, Thomas draws inspiration from the wants of his clients, the spaces themselves and his own travels. “Everything that I think is cool, I will steal eventually,” said Thomas. “I try to do it all. All the styles I find sneakily find their way into a project.”

But at the end of the day, his own likes and dislikes aside, it all boils down to the individual clients and making their interior dreams a reality.

…So there you stand with Scott in the middle of your living room. Together, the two of you will take what you value and cherish most, turning your new space into your new home.

To learn more about Thomas-Somero Design, visit
Thomas • Somero Design
1555 Vine St. Suite  228S
Hollywood, CA 90028
Office: 323-468-8005