Sundance Suppression
What better place for an influenza virus to hang out than The Sundance Film Festival where Hollywood's swingingest crowd gathers. One such bug landed squarely in the crowded shmoozefest of last year's 2005 Sundance Film Festival which suffered from a horrible flu epidemic that disrupted screenings with chronic hackers and ultimately disrupted the film business for the week following the festival with so much talent recovering.
This year, in an effort to reduce the likelihood of a repeat epidemic, the Park City girls league soocer team banned together to kick the flu bug out of town by distributing thousands of packages of Suppress Cough Strips. Hannah Terry, the 16-year-old left wing for Park City's Black Diamonds nationally ranked soccer team said, "we all got so sick last year from the
Hollywood plague that it only made sense for us to nip it in the bud. Hollywood is great and everything, but we have important games to play, you know." Part guerrilla marketing effort and part team fund raiser, the Black Diamonds partnered with the nationally recognized Suppress Cough Strip brand to give out something that would actually be useful during the festival.
Amber Tamblyn, who stars in the film Stephanie Daley screening at the festival says " "This isn't the Sundance Flem Festival. It should be mandatory at screenings: popcorn, a soda, and a cough strip." Morgan Spurlock, director of last years winner "Super Size Me" added, "After what happened last year, I'm flippin' one of these to anyone who even thinks about coughing in my direction."
At any given time, 12 to 15 soccer players prowled the streets and screening lines of Park City during the opening weekend of the festival to handout thousands of Suppress Cough Strip dispensers. The compact little dispensers holds 24 melt-on-the-tongue strips embedded with either menthol or Dextromethorphin. Suppress has started a new era of drug actives delivery on a strip that removes the need for sugary syrups or lozenges to mask the flavor of the active ingredient. It also speeds the ingredients into your system sublingually.