Mrs. B., who has been featured in the national media and who has performed her one-of-a-kind act internationally, has finally released her latest CD. With this CD by the woman who spices up story time all across the country, children everywhere will be bent over with laughter and having the most fun they've ever had during story time. Carri Blake-Brekke (Mrs. B.) recently released CD is titled Rockin' and Rollin' with Mrs. B! Mrs. B. has been performing nationwide and due to a popular demand her stories/songs are available on CD. The intent, says Blake-Brekke, is to make kids laugh. But beneath the clowning is a more serious message: stay a kid as long as you can. "My goal is to make kids laugh, but I also want to remind them that they will have plenty of time to be adults and not to take things too seriously," says Blake-Brekke. Mrs. B is preparing for her second tour overseas where she will perform at educational facilities across Germany, Italy and Spain.