We See Colm Meaney
O.K. we realize that anyone in America who is going to recognize/know Colm Meaney is from his role on TV's "Star Trek." Our first reaction is "It's Morgan the Goat!!!" Yup, from one of our favorite all time films, "The Englishman Who Went Up a Hill but Came Down a Mountain," in which Meaney played a randy hotel/bar owner with flaming red hair (in "real life" it may not be flaming, but his hair is pretty red all the same). While the town's men are at war, the women seem to giving birth to "little ginger-haired babies." Well, enough of that. We were stopped in traffic in our hometown of Culver City on Hughes Ave. which is a long block away from Sony Studios (and filled with medical offices), when walking down the street, smoking, was Meaney himself. We knew for certain it was him because he had a bunch of pink script pages in his arms. He caught us staring at him and we had to look away quickly, lest we look, well fan-a-tical. He's in Stargate: Atlantis. He's also in a few upcoming things, the feature "The Metrosexual" (he plays the Mayor), the mini-series "The Hades Factor" (with Angelica Huston and Mira Sorvino), and "A Lobster Tale," which he stars in. Now, this is a lot of space for a measly little sighting of an actor 95% of America wouldn't be able to identify by name, but we like him, especially in "TEWWUAHBCDAM" and "The Snapper." So there.