Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The BioTrainer Weight Loss System™ uses the BioTrainer™ exercise monitor

, a 1¼ oz. monitoring device worn on the waist that accurately measures calorie burn, as the catalyst to combine effective fitness and dietary programs for prolonged weight loss success. The National Institutes of Health states that proper diet, daily exercise, and caloric monitoring are the three vital components of weight control and optimal health. Not until the BioTrainer has there been an accurate method of measuring caloric burn over an entire day of activity that ranges from running to washing the dishes.

WHAT IS IT: The BioTrainer is not a gadget or a pedometer but a simple to use personal exercise monitor that employs a scientifically-proven and clinically tested measuring technology. By coupling a tri-axis accelerometer with a patented super-microprocessor, the BioTrainer is able to measure the inertia of your body’s motion 40-times per second, process the data, and then accurately calculate energy expenditure (in either calories burned or activity units). It also provides you with the total elapsed time in activity. This patented technology, developed through research supported by the National Institutes of Health, has shown to provide an extremely high level of accuracy for objectively assessing your daily physical activity.

WHY IS IT IMPORTANT: The BioTrainer has been the foundation of numerous medical studies by such prestigious institutions as Johns Hopkins University Medical School, The American Psychiatric Association and The Cooper Institute. This research concludes that instant feedback from the BioTrainer helps to motivate you to become more active and to stay that way. Being able to balance the number of calories going in with calories going out (in the form of physical activity) is the critical component of weight loss and ultimately prolonged weight control. When the calorie burn data is combined with calorie intake data via the BioTrainer Weight Loss System's proprietary online monitoring program, you now have an extraordinarily powerful resource for accurately tracking your daily weight loss progress. Consistent monitoring and daily online tracking have been proven to dramatically improve your health awareness and improve your chances of succeeding at a weight loss program by as much as 30%.

The BioTrainerTM calculates motion; after entering only one piece of data, your weight, it records your body’s overall physical activity and instantaneously and accurately converts it into calories burned, displaying the data in one of three ways.
Activity Units - This is a method measuring your overall physical activity based on your body movements. Activity units cannot be affected by other factors such as age or height.
Calories - It will accurately calculate the calories burned as a result of your total physical activity.
Time in Motion - It tells you how much time that you have been active.

Where to purchase: Online at: www.BioTrainerUSA.com

More info: www.biotrainer.com.