Toddler shirt from little showoffs. www.littleshowoffs.com $17. This line features cute newborn shirts, mommy (I'm Still Breastfeeding, among others), daddy (Big Daddy) and a host of other clever, beautifully made, soft shirts. Owner/Creator Jackie gave us a sample, right off the rack (and we don't care that it's a teeny bit tight and gives us muffin top with jeans). It says "moody, hungry, tired," and a few other choice, appropriate words. You must check out this line at www.littleshowoffs.com.
You're Such a Little Showoff
Also love the baby shirt that says “Into Everything,” something any mom can relate to.
Here’s what we got off of their website: Jacqueline Fair has taken her product of baby bragging showoff tees and branched out her own line of little showoff. Fair is a former college counselor and has now assumed the most challenging job, full time mommy of two amazing and active young boys and is now running her own business. She has taken her passion of simple and yet expressive baby, toddler, and adult tees and created little showoffs.
little showoff are designed as a form of fun expressions for baby. It is also created to make baby shower gifts unique, fun,and of course cute and adorable. There is no better way to celebrate a baby than to have these tees proudly express "new accomplishments", "loves", "place of residence" and more. It also brings the family together to showoff what role baby has now created for each member.
Our goal is to provide the highest quality available tees for babies, toddlers, and adults. little showoff tees are made from 100% ring spun cotton which is noticeably softer and higher in quality than the carded cotton used by others. We thrive on our variety of sizes and our wide variety of vibrant colors to choose from because we are all different and should be able to showoff in colorful ways!
Little Showoffs
Phone: 805.709.1634
Fax: 805.773-8978
E-mail: jackie@littleshowoffs.com