Monday, August 29, 2005

Dirty Love

McCarthy Gets Dirty

Sometimes a girl has to get a little down and dirty before she can find pure love. In the comedy Dirty Love, Jenny McCarthy, is gorgeous, goofy, and gross all at once in this hilarious take on one woman's chaotic quest for true love. It's a knowing, funny, trashy, guilty pleasure, in the spirit of Porky's and National Lampoon. The film opens September 23, 2005.

Rebecca (Jenny McCarthy) is devastated when she comes home one night and finds Richard, her supermodel boyfriend, engaged in sexual acrobatics with another woman in their bed. To mend her broken heart, she takes a strange and wild trip of sexual encounters that includes putting basses in asses and pulling hanker-chiefs out. With the help of a bossy psychic (comedian Kathy Griffin) and her off-beat friends (including Carmen Electra as a sadistic waxing technician), Rebecca finds that the path to true love is right in front of her.
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