Fine Feet
You’ll have them if you follow these instructions (cribbed from the net, and without credit/byline, but edited by BeansTalk)
For hard skin on heels and soles or if you have dry or cracked skin, treat them in a special manner. A refreshing soak may help, but you may require a hydrating soak and even an overnight balm to moisturize feet to ease the process of exfoliating hard skin.
To start moisturizing feet, soak in warm water mixed with essential oils. Some recommended essential oils include neroli oil, which is known to smoothen and invigorate the skin (and smells so good, it should be it’s own fragrance line) and olive oil which functions as a softener.
A 20-minute soak aids in eliminating hard skin on your heels. After drying feet, use a foot file. File hard skin away using a front and back motion. Always take a break from filing to check to see if skin’s smoother. Do not over file and stop immediately if skin starts to hurt.
The common places where feet tend to have dead skin are on the heels, at the bottom of big toes, tops of little toes and balls of the feet.
After filing, hydrate newly exposed part of the feet using moisturizer such as hemp oil or a shea-butter balm. First, apply the balm or lotion then protect feet with a deep moisturizing foot bootie or cotton sock. The effect is amazing as feet will be hydrated dramatically.